Friday, August 22, 2008

We filled the pool with bubble bath! The boys had a blast & came out clean!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Picking Strawberries

Ty and Ike went to pick strawberries for the first time this year! We went to Blann Berries in Oaktown, IN. The boys had a blast. Ike ate more berries then he added to the basket! He also enjoyed picking them and then sitting down right in the middle of the plants and squishing them as hard as he good between his little fingers! He was a mess - I should of know not to dress him in white! Ty also loved getting to eat the berries! He also liked noticing all of the different sizes and shapes of the berries! We had really big berries for Daddy and really tiny berries for his little brother Ikey!

Then we came home and made our very first batch of homemade strawberry jam! I have been taking up canning this year - so we canned our jam! It is sooo yummy!

Ty and his groupies!

Saturday, August 2, 2008