Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Well we had our ultra sound yesterday - the weather was nasty, the roads very icy - but we just couldn't wait to find out what we were having so we made the trip to Terre Haute for our Doctor appointment. The four of us went; Zach, Ty, Ike & I. The boys couldn't wait to see their baby brother/sister! When the tech told us she saw "boys parts" and Zach told Ty is was another baby brother Ty looked at the tech and said "uh! it's suppose to be a baby sister!" We all just laughed! It was in a way no surprise to me that I was having a boy! although I let myself look at the girl stuff this time I still in the back of my head thought it may be a boy. Our doctor looks over the pictures from the ultrasound with us, he said "everything is growing normally & the baby is healthy except"...and the he just starts laughing... "it's a boy!" He just couldn't stop laughing! Zach told him that he thinks he just doesn't have any girl in him...he claims "he's all man!" I told Zach, maybe this is God's way of telling us we shouldn't be done having children! haha! Because we had said that if we were having a girl then this would most likely be the last. So I think God said give those two another boy - so they will try again! :) Zach said "Jen, I don't think God is that funny!" We had told our doctor before that we wanted 4 or 5 - so Zach told him..."well it looks like I might have to have 5." The Doctor said "you know who's fault this is and pointed to Zach!" The doctor really got a kick out of the three boys thing!

How exciting for Ty & Ike to be getting a little brother! We've almost got ourselves a starting lineup! I am sure the fights won't be as petty as they were with a family of just girls! They will probably just duke it out and be done with it. I am thinking about 14 or 15 years from now - I will have 3 boys in high school - a freshman, junior & senior! It will probably be a crazy, yet super fun time in my life, let's just hope they don't cause too much trouble.

I was shopping at Wal-Mart the other day and an old couple complemented me on how good my boys were acting! I told her they aren't always this good. :) Anyway they were talking to Ty & Ike telling them how cute they were - somehow it came up that I was expecting again - I said "maybe it will be a girl this time" she said "and if it's not you will get your daughters the easy way!" That has just stuck with me. Even if I end up with all boys hopefully I get some great daughters in law!! :)

Enjoy the pictures of our precious, healthy baby boy #3! It's time to start the names game.