Monday, October 20, 2008

Baby Thompson's First Photo!

We had our first ultrasound on Friday! We were 12 weeks at the time of these pictures, still to early to detect the sex of the baby! But according to the tech there appears to be just 1 bun in this oven! So if you voted for twins it looks like that isn't the case this time. Unless the other one was just hiding. :) It's always fun to get to see the baby! I asked Zach when we left the doctor if he felt like it was a boy or a girl...he said boy...even though prior to the ultra sound he thought it was going to be a girl! He said "the ultrasound looked just like the other two and they were both boys." Now we have to remember that Zach didn't go to school to read sonograms. haha...we told the tech we already have 2 boys & she commented that this one's nose looked like a little girl! I am sure she was just saying that to keep our hopes up! haha...We would be just fine with another little Zach! We would almost have our our starting line up! :) What do you think by looking at the pictures? Does you vote change?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another carnival Ride

What a blast Ty & Ike had riding the carnival rides! They are such great friends & brothers.

Carnival Ride at the Rodeo

Palestine Rodeo

2008 Palestine, IL Rodeo
Ike enjoying his cotton candy.

They had a blast on the carnival rides

Ty's first "roller coaster"

Grandma Jane & I took the boys over to Palestine, IL for their annual Rodeo! Grandpa David met us there to watch the rodeo. Daddy had to work! :(


Ike loves his swing!

Ike sure looks like he is having a blast!

Ty is concentrating on pumping his legs! We have been trying to teach him to do it himself!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Indiana State Fair 2008

Finally! Here are a few pictures from our trip the the '08 fair. The boys & I met Katie & Clayton & Anne & Nolan.
Ike on a real John Deere Tractor!

Ty couldn't get enough of the John Deere! He had to sit on one!

Clayton even had a great time at the fair! He was so good just riding around in his stroller hanging out with the guys!

Ty & Ike enjoyed the Little Helping Hands on the Farm exibit they had! They got to do all they work on the farm and then at the end they had a cold milk to drink.

Ty loved getting up close with the animals...Ike wasn't to sure. He didnt want to be to close.

Ty loved the pony ride. He was waving at everyone and just couldn't stop smiling!

Picking Pumpkins!

Thank goodness for the local farmers! We drove just down the road and were able to pick as many pumpkins as we wanted. The farmers are sure good about sharing around here. It's all who you know. I think Ty and Ike left with about 20 pumpkins!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vote in our Baby Poll! --->

Don't miss your chance to vote in our baby poll! We want to know what the majority thinks about the sex of our newest addition to the Thompson Family! On the Top Right side of our blog you will find the poll! What do you think? Boy, Girl, Twins? We are due April 29, 2009! But we figure we will find out at our 20 week ultrasound probably in December!

Friday, October 3, 2008

We're Expecting!

We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting are 3rd baby! Ty and Ike are excited as well. I am not sure that Ike really understands but Ty seems to! Ty thought that we were going to return his brother Ike to the baby store and pick out a new baby! He would miss Ike! After some explaining he now understands that we are going to keep Ikey and get another baby as well. Ty thinks he is getting a baby sister and he wants to paint her room pink! I hope he isn't disappointed if it turns out to be another brother! We will be happy either way! This pregnancy has been different that mine with Ty or Ike. I was lucky to not have all the morning sickness with the boys...but this time around I haven't been as lucky! And it doesn't just come in the morning! I am exhausted! If I am getting sick Ty & Ike will come running to check on me. Ike will sit down on my lap and Ty will pat my back and tell me not to worry, that everything will be OK and that he will take care of me! I am glad I have such caring boys!