Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ike's Vocabulary!

I thought it would be nice to document Ike's vocab at this stage. Ty seemed to be talking much sooner than Ike...I figure part of the reason is Ty NEVER stops talking to give Ike a chance! Ike just keeps adding more and more words each day and I know it is just a matter of of time and we will be talking non-stop as well!

More Words!
Anger - Ranger (Uncle Davy's Dog)
Avey- Davy
Pa-pack - Backpack
Chum Cha's - French Fries!
Anta - Santa
Tyyyy - Ty (he really drags it out!)
Bar - Barn
Treeee- Tree
No, No, No
chicka chicka - Chocolate
mill - milk
Chicka chicka mill - chocolate milk
uh huh - he says this and shakes his head yes
Dee - Dean (zach's uncle dean, he owns the cafe in town! Ike likes to go their for a Chicka Chicka mill & Chum Cha's)
TrickaTreat - he runs it all together

Bebe - Baby
MeMe - (Manny, "Handy Manny" is a cartoon)
Neaaal - Neal (uncle Neal) - he really drags out the vowel sound.
Mo - Mo is our bird & our dog is Mosey so he calls him Mo as well.
Kake - Katie (aunt Katie)
ChaCha - Toothbrush
Trac-Da - Tractor
Choo Choo -
Tickle, Tickle
Hellooo - hello
BumBum - Brandon
Am-ba - Grandpa
Am-Ma - Grandma
Derrrr - Deer

I am sure there is more I am forgetting - but this is a great start!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sneak Peak! Fall Photo's!

Since we were suppose to get big storms yesterday & today we decided to get the boys out in the leaves for some photo opts this fall! Zach was ready to get the leaves out of the yard anyway! Ty & Ike had so much fun playing in the leaves. In fact I took 196 pictures of the boys! After we were done taking pictures Ty stayed out with Zach to help him work in the yard! Zach said Ty really was a big help...he just needed a bigger rake! Ike went inside and took a nap after his "photo shoot" you can tell in the later pictures he is starting to look tired! Here is a sneak peak at some of the photo's I took of the boys! I took all these pictures with the intention of printing some for all the family and possibly our Christmas card...we will just have to wait & see!

Enjoy our boys, we sure do! :)

p.s. if you want to see all the pictures let me know and I will send you an email with a link to my kodakgallery picture album.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween! We had two nights of "trick or treating!" In Sullivan county trick or treating took place on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday we stayed home and handed out candy and on Friday we ventured out to gather our own treats. Our town (only 280 people) has its own library - and every year Evelynn the librarian has a little Halloween party for the kids. They have someone telling stories, cookies, candy, cider and each child gets to pick a new book to take home with them. Ike choose an alphabet book - he got very excited when he saw the book because "MOMO" (Elmo) was on the cover. Ty picked The Little Engine That Could - he loved the train on the front cover. They each had a yummy cookie and got their picture taken! Then we headed out on the town to trick or treat! Ike even learned to say "TRICK OR TREAT!" Ty would knock on the door and the two of them would say "trick or treat!" we pulled them all around town in their wagon. They had so much fun! Ike now believes that he can get anything he wants by saying "Trick or Treat!" He will point at something look at you and say "Trick or Treat" with his little grin! :)


We had a wonderful time at the Zoo Boo with Papa Hal, Abby, Brandon, Katie, Neal and baby Clayton!